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суббота, 13 апреля 2019 г.

What teaching means to me?


Let me introduce myself. My name is Christina. I am english teacher. Being a teacher for me is not only to know my subject, but to be knowlegeable in different spheres of life.Teaching for me means making a difference for kids.
  • It means helping all students succeed.
  • It means allowing them to pursue their passions, and supporting them along the way.
  • It means giving students ownership over their learning.
  • It means helping students wants to learn.
  • It means giving students a reason to want to come to school each day, and having them leave just excited as when they arrived. 
I  really liked this profession especially to work with children if you want to change a world inspire a kid, these words I took as a basis in my daily work and became my pedagogical credo.  Teaching is everything to me! Yes, I have a personal life. I have family. I have friends. I have my own interests outside of the classroom, and I pursue them. Teaching completes me. When I meet my students, share knowledge and discover new ways to engage them in my class, drives me do better every day.To teach is to touch a life forever!”…teaching to me must be growth minded and life giving.Teaching is certainly job, and I am very lucky to do!

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