English teacher*s Blog Basaraba C.I
/Exchanging knowledge - connecting the world/
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пятница, 13 марта 2020 г.
Volunteer from America 🇱🇷
17 жовтня 2019 до нашого закладу прибув волонтер з Америки зі штату Каліфорнія, з міста Лосанджелес Hargrove Lauren Audrey , яка буде працювати в школі 2 роки разом зі вчителькою англійської мови Басараба К.І., також вони
разом будуть забезпечувати обмін мовним досвідом учнів, набуття нових знань та навичок. Сподіваємось, що волонтер підвищить інтерес учнів та, що найголовніше, позитивну мотивацію до вивчення англійської мови. Налаштовуємося на плідну співпрацю. Speaking English - conecting the world!

суббота, 13 апреля 2019 г.
What teaching means to me?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Christina. I am english teacher. Being a teacher for me is not only to know my subject, but to be knowlegeable in different spheres of life.Teaching for me means making a difference for kids.
- It means helping all students succeed.
- It means allowing them to pursue their passions, and supporting them along the way.
- It means giving students ownership over their learning.
- It means helping students wants to learn.
- It means giving students a reason to want to come to school each day, and having them leave just excited as when they arrived.
I really liked this profession especially to work with children if you want to change a world inspire a kid, these words I took as a basis in my daily work and became my pedagogical credo. Teaching is everything to me! Yes, I have a personal life. I have family. I have friends. I have my own interests outside of the classroom, and I pursue them. Teaching completes me. When I meet my students, share knowledge and discover new ways to engage them in my class, drives me do better every day.To teach is to touch a life forever!”…teaching to me must be growth minded and life giving.Teaching is certainly job, and I am very lucky to do!
For teachers
Teaching speaking skills
Main Objectives
What Is "Teaching Speaking
Main Objectives
- To develop teacher *s abilitty to teach speaking
- To develop students oral proficiency
- To make an examples of exercises in of speaking and hearing
What Is "Teaching Speaking
- Produce the English speech sounds and sound patterns.
- Use word and sentence stress, intonation and the rhythm.
- Select appropriate words and sentences according to the audience, situation and subject matter.
- Organize their thoughts in a meaningful and logical sequence.
- Use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.
- Use the language quicly and confidently
- On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time.
- The good characteristic of brainstorming is that the students are not criticized for their ideas so students will be open t6o sharing new ideas
Taking part in the project GO CAMP 2017
Volunteer from Tunisia Seif Sendi.
Amazing days
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